Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mile 3493 – Teslin, YT

Wed, 22 June:  Another one nighter on the Alaska Highway.  Beautiful day and much appreciated after 10 days of rain.

RV Park is a far end of bridge on right.

We visited the George Johnston museum.  George was a fairly interesting local Tlingit (klink-it) indian living in Teslin.  George was a store owner, hunter, trapper, snow shoe maker and photographer.  George bought a 1928 Chevy in Whitehorse, had it barged to Teslin where there were no roads at all.  George had local workers clear a three mile stretch of road and then charged $1 per person for the three mile ride.  His family helped with the “taxi” service and also dressed the part.  During the winter after the lake froze, George painted the car white in order to hunt on the frozen lake.  See below.

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