Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mile 8985 – Dubois, WY

Wed, Aug 31:  Arrived at Longhorn RV Park in Dubois, WY for 8 days.  Hope to get in a little fishing (and hopefully a little catching) during the week.  We have booked our reservations for next season (July 15 thru Sept 15, 2012).  Also good to see the group from North Carolina.  These fellows have been making the trip to Dubois for fishing, etc. since 1967.  Normally two trips per year.  One with wives and another for serious anglers only.

We are looking forward to seeing our Newmar club friends Dick and Peg White and Earl and Lynn McClelland next Wednesday here in Dubois.  Only sorry we won’t have more time to visit.

Sunset on the Wind River

We had a great visit on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning with our RV friends.
See below, Earl, Lynn and Dog (as in D-Oh-Gee) McClelland, Doris and Bill, Dick and Peg White.

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