Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mile 5632 – Fairbanks, AK

We had originally planned to spend three nights in Fairbanks but have decided to move on to Tok on Friday morning.  Last week we had our mail forwarded to Tok and were planning to pick it up on Thursday.  However traveling to Tok on Saturday will not work since the post office web site states the the Tok post office is not open on Saturday.  No real problem though as Friday in Fairbanks was an extra day anyway.

We did get Doris to Fairbanks Sports Medicine today.  The doc X-rayed the wrist again and determined all was fine.  He did suggest that she have it X-rayed again in about a week to make sure everything was still aligned as it should be and at that time the temporary cast/splint could be replaced with a permanent cast.  If you are familiar with the route from Fairbanks back to the lower 48 you can appreciate the fact that that ain’t gona happen.  However he did say that the current splint was fine although a little less comfortable than a permanent cast.  Guess she is stuck what she’s got for 6 weeks.  In 6 weeks (about 10 Sept) we should be able to find orthopedic care.  FYI in Alaska you can get orthopedic care in Fairbanks or Anchorage.  Other than that you are out of luck.

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