Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mile 4995 – Homer, AK

We landed on the ‘Spit’ in Homer on Friday for a few days.  The `Spit’ is a thin strip of land only about 300 to 400 yards wide and protrudes from the town of Homer into Kachemak (catch a mack) Bay approximately 4 miles.  Within the bay there is a huge tidal variation, 20+ ft.

View from the front window.

On Saturday we took a drive along the west bank of the bay and yes there are igloos in Alaska.

Monday we took a guided tour of the Carl E. Winn Nature Center.  It is remarkable how interesting a knowledgeable guide can make a simple walk through grass lands and forest.  Below is a flower meadow along the trail.  It was impossible to look across this field of flowers without thinking of our late friend Dean Kennedy and his always ready camera.

We also made the obligatory stop at the Salty Dawy watering hole before leaving Homer.

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